My Journey

My Journey
Sekapur Barus
Isi tulisan dipersembahkan hanya untuk diri sendiri, langkah apresiasi terhadap usaha diri, berjuang hidup untuk mandiri, menikmati hidup yang hanya sekali, sebagai bukti bahwa diri pernah berdiri dan menjalani hidup tanpa menyesali. Dipersilahkan kepada para penjelajah dunia maya untuk menjelajahi blog ini. blog yang berisi kumpulan tugas kuliah,catetan dan kejadian aneh lainnya. NO SARA , NO PORNO , NO RASIS . salam damai ! ! !

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

M.O.V english version (TRY)

Welcome to yogyakarta, seen a billboard standing magnificent corner of yogyakarta city.why at jogja?what we did?
Touring?Shopping?or just looking?exactly is holiday.MOV or Mifres On Vocation an activity intended routinely every year and the last step from open recruitment new member of mifres.this isnt just holiday, not only play in here.There are many interest activity in MOV this year.curiously??yap, MOV this year begining by visiting malioboro and reader thought we are shopping.but of course NO, G-3’s candidates divided into several groups and they must looking for, make a conversation, taking a picture with tourist.isnt just a tourist but minimum is 4 tourists.Difficult?? No, the most important is confident, trow your shame in the bus.there are many funny scene while this event, example :  ignored, tourist false and etc.and most feels when we must running The pursuit of tourists walking on malioboro street.this is caused A factor of distinction long legs.
we are G-3

Satisfed  when hunting a tourist, G-3’s candidates have time for shopping a souvenir.our event dont stop at there, then our bus speeding avoid yogya city going to inland gunung means we begin isolated from the outside world, nothing network and electricity using a generator.Sadranan Beach is our next purpose, and a beautiful beach waiting for us.When arrived, directly we go to the beach there are taking a picture, swimming(include writer) or even just “cuci mata” hehe. In the night  we can hear wave’s voice, after we have take a bath we preparing for barbeque.althought it need long time, it doesnt matter for us when we seing a delicious fish.our worms danced in our stomach.feel hungry.and then when we feel full we have next activity.what’s that?? Presentation and gift exchange dan the last sleep.good night all.
Tomorrow, outbond waiting us, we playing together on coastal.smiles and laugh colouring us today and the top activity is G-3’s inaguration.yeahh we are G of mifres.

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